Leadership & Staff

Mark Ottaway (Pastor Elder)

Mark Ottaway started at Elim Bible Chapel in Sept 2021. He worked in the building industry for much of his life, then pastored Calvary Gospel Church in Blind River (2007- 10), and later was an Associate Pastor at Peoples Church in Wyoming (2010-21). He received a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies (Moody Bible Institute 2013), a Master of Divinity in Theology (Liberty University 2021), and is currently working towards a Doctor of Theology in Biblical Studies through Liberty. Mark is married to Anne and they have 4 married sons and 15 grandchildren. Mark enjoys playing hockey and watching the Blackhawks, and enjoys rose gardening, astronomy, and most anything near Lake Huron. Mark has a passion to teach the Word of God, and desires that people would serve Christ with a great heart.

Larry Teeple (Elder)

Larry is the longest serving of the elders and yet somehow has managed to remain calm and steady throughout the years. He serves wherever he is needed: sometimes visibly and often working quietly in the background. When not serving the church, he can be found helping people breathe at University Hospital. Larry loves his wife, Cheryl, as well as his four grown-and-married children, their spouses and his many grandchildren; but as deep as that love is, Larry loves Jesus and His Kingdom even more.

Ian Teetzel (Elder)

Ian is husband to Brianne and a father of four daughters. When not farming (and sometimes during) he enjoys researching a wide variety of subjects on the internet and has a working knowledge of many topics. He can be found playing drums or guitar on Sunday, welcoming people into his home for visits or taking notes at the deacons' meeting. If you need some research done on any topic, Ian is your man.

Michael Hodgson (Elder)

Lambton-raised Michael is a local farmer, HVAC, and devoted student of Bible Study. Michael is husband to Cheryl, and father of three children.

Stewart Campbell (Deacon)

God led my wife, Sandra, and I to Elim in the fall of 2017. We have 5 boys and 3 girls. I was saved at age 16 at Camp Hermosa. I have worked as a dairy herdsman for most of my life. I enjoy serving the Lord wherever I can in His local church. One of those ways of serving Him is by showing hospitality. These 2 verses are a couple of my favourites – Prov 9:10 and Phil 3:14

Steve Levitt (Deacon & Sunday School Warden)

Steve and his wife Kerry raised their three children here at Elim. Steve enjoys serving as a Deacon and with men’s groups. Steve lives in Arkona , runs a small business and likes to go fishing up north now and again.

Tammy St. Louis

Tammy has been a member at Elim for many years. She recently felt God calling her to change careers and join Elim as Chapel Secretary. She is enjoying serving the family at Elim and is looking forward to her role at Elim. Tammy is married – Mike – and has 3 grown children. Tammy enjoys doing crafts and baking in her off hours.